Charan grew up in India and you can see the influence in his pottery. His mother ran a boutique designing clothes for weddings and you can see how the fabrics, colors and design have impacted his work. He has a unique style of decoration and form. He says that his love for Bollywood movies also effects his work.
See those little pillows on the right? They’re salt and pepper shakers! How great is that?
Charan uses slip to decorate and add texture to his pottery. Slip is liquified clay that can be applied on top of the formed piece. Some of his pieces are thrown on the wheel, some are from slabs of clay and some are are made from extruded forms. Either way, there is a lot of movement and interest in all of his pieces.
CreativewithClay: Charan Sachar
Thanks for posting my pots. Looking good in your gallery! Wish you the very best!